Sunday, November 3, 2013

C4T #3 Blog Post

Comments for Teachers:

Teacher Quote

I have enjoyed reading Elvira Deyamport's blog, Language Journeys. She is a Gifted Education teacher for second to six graders. She has a specialist degree in Reading Instruction, a master's in Gifted Education, and a dual bachelor's in Elementary Education and Spanish.  Her philosophy revolves around using technology to expose and connect her students to a variety of people, places, and authentic learning experiences. 

C4T Post Summary #1:
In the first post that I read from Elvira Deyamport's blog, Language Journeys, she described her experience with using the technology of Podcasts to do a Science research project with her students. In her blog she talked about her district's enrichment program and how she got the opportunity to teach in it. She
Students using Podcasts
said that she loved teaching this program because it gives her a time to test out some methods amd projects that she would normally not get to try during the school year. One of the new things that she learned about was Podcasts. Elvira then to the information about Podcasts and shared this with her students. The students would use the Podcasts to do interviews with scientists. She had her students research about careers in Science and the summarized their information and complied interviwe questions as they were researching. The students final product included a podcast of their interview, theme music, and media. She said that the students enjoyed creating the Podcasts and listening to their voices. Elvira said that the best part was seeing their reactions as they listened to their final products and that this tool was great at capturing her students personalities.

My Comment:
Hi Elvira,
My name is Briann Smith and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I’m majoring in Elementary Education and I’m currently taking the EDM 310 class with Dr. Strange. In the EDM310 class we are learning about the different types of technology and resources that are being used in the classrooms today. I really enjoyed reading your blog post on the Podcasts. A few weeks ago in EDM310, we learned about Podcasts and we created some too. It was great to see how a teacher introduced the technology of Podcasts in a lesson and assignment for the students. I loved how you incorporated a hands-on activity like making Podcasts with a Science lesson. When I become a teacher I definitely want to incorporate the use of technology in my classroom and allow my students to create projects using it. I enjoyed listening to your student’s Podcasts. They did a fantastic job! I look forward to your future posts.

C4T Post Summary #2:
In the second blog post that I read from Elvira Deyamport's blog, Language Journeys, she talks about the beginning of her school year. In her post she has started the school year off with the All About Me Unit,
Puzzle Pieces
but she wanted to add a new spin on it. She says that every year the teachers are expected to keep records of inventories their students take, which include interest, multiple intelligences, as well as expression style inventories. Every year she explains the purpose of these inventories and their role in learning in the classroom. However, she felt that over the years they normally complete them, discuss the results, and them store them away to collect dust. This year, she wanted to make a change and use the information as a reference point for her students as she prepares them to individualize their learning. As a activity, she had her students completer a puzzle piece or a puzzle to show how all the pieces fit together. The puzzle for 2nd and 3rd graders included: Preferred Multiple Intelligence(s), Interests, and Goals for the class. The puzzle piece for 4th through 6th grade included: Preferred Multiple Intelligence(s), Preferred Expression Style(s), Interests, Goals for the class, and Career Goal(s).

My Comment:
Hi Elvira,
My name is Briann Smith and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I’m majoring in Elementary education and I’m currently taking the EDM 310 class with Dr. Strange. I also have a blog, that I post to for my class. When I read your post on the puzzles and puzzle pieces, I thought it was a great idea to use in the classroom. I agree with you, most inventory records about students are completed then put away. The puzzle pieces are fun for the students to make and they also provide the required inventory information. I will definetly use this idea for my students when I become a teacher. I really enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to reading your future posts!

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