Thursday, November 14, 2013

C4T#4 Final Blog Post

Comments for Teachers:

Teacher Qoute

I have enjoyed reading Jenny Luca's blog, Lucacept- Intercepting the Web. She is the Director of ICT and elearning at Toorak College in Mt. Eliza in Melbourne, Australia. She is fascinated by Web 2.0 applications and their potential in educational settings. Jenny says she launched herself headfirst into this world in 2008. She has found the experience to be transformative. It's her aim to share what she discovers with us through her blog.

C4T Post Summary #1:

Back to the Future is one of my favourite movies. The Improv Everywhere team have done a pretty good job of recreating it for their ‘Movies in Real Life’ video series they have running now. I’m still waiting for the hoverboards that featured in Back to the Future II to become part of everyday life – we’ve still got two years to have that dream realised as it was 2015 when Marty made his way into a future where they were commonplace. Then again, maybe it’s a good thing they’re not ready for purchase – I can barely keep upright on a skateboard, let alone on something hovering in mid air!
Have a great weekend. I’ll be searching for sun, but the prospect of that in Melbourne this weekend is looking pretty grim. I hope the forecast ahead bodes better wherever it is you reside. Enjoy :)
My Comment:
Hi Jenny,
My name is Briann Smith and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. In my EDM310 class, I blog as well. I enjoyed reading your Friday blog post and watching your ‘Movies in Real Life’ video on Back to the Future. I like that movie too! I would love to have a car that can time travel. The movie was very entertaining. I look forward to your future posts!

C4T Post Summary #2:
In the second blog post that I read from Jenny Luca's blog, Lucacept- Intercepting the Web, she talks about her trip to the Programming Challenge 4 Girls event at the University of Melbourne. She took two of her students to this event. Earlier in her Language
Programming Challenge 4 Girls Logo
of our Times class she had discussed the need for better representation of women in the field of computer programming. At the event the students got the chance to perform a computer programming challenge using the programming language, Alice. While the students were performing the challenge, the teachers listened to a presentation given by Steven Bird, Associate Professor in Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. He discussed the new Unit 3 and 4 VCE Computer Science curriculum. She says that she and both of her students enjoyed the event and that they have a new found apperciation for the programmers of the games they play and the thousands of hours that must go into creating the landscapes and complex scenarios.
My Comment:
Hi Jenny,
My name is Briann Smith and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. In my EDM310 class, I blog as well. I enjoyed reading your blog post on the Programming Challenge 4 Girls event. It seems like you and your students had a great time. I think the event is a great way to get students especially girls invlovled with computers and programming. As you said in your post, there needs to be a better representation of women in the field of computer programming. The post was very imformative and I look forward to your future posts!

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